Okay, since this whole thing just keeps spinning out-of-control ...
I do apologize for my rant, but I'll say that I was tired, and ought to have
just gone to bed. Actually, I don't know where we first went off the rails,
but it was many emails ago, and other people have certainly been party to it.
My intended point was simply that a lot of people talk about these things like
they are mere theories; like it's a good idea or bad. For them, it's
inconvenient or upsetting, if somebody gets their data and they find
advertisements directed at them, or they find that some algorithm has got
them tagged as "that sort of person" who might do this or buy that.
For me, it's real life. Bad data gets me into situations. When somebody is
pointing a gun at you, and it seems the result of bad information, then maybe
you will think differently about these things.
Using encryption where possible is still a good idea, I believe. It might
reduce our chances of getting tagged by the algorithms.
Oh, and by the way, a forum or IRC group (in parallel with the mailing list)
might avoid these kinds of things.