> "Werner" == Werner Joss
<werner(a)hoernerfranzracing.de> writes:
Werner> well, you can download a
sample file from the
Werner> internet or, if you still have a default sudoers
Werner> file, edit that from the live cd. mount your HD
Werner> first, of course.
>> sorry for this elementary
question: but using the live cd,
>> can I simple mount like
>> mkdir tmp
>> mount -t jfs /dev/sda5 /tmp
>> Then the HD is writable???
well, not sure if /tmp is a good mount point (could
already be in use),
but basically, it should work this way.
I am very confused but this does not work. I took a
different machine running 10.04 trinity. It has only a root
partion with jfs on it.
So when I boot with my virtual 10.04 Cd and then try to
mount via
mount -t jfs /dev/sda5 /tmp2
Or what ever mount complains:
"wrong fs type or bad superblock":
the usual message of mount when something is wrong.
I have also on /dev/sda1 a windows partion with ntfs. This
one I can mount. So I am stuck.
There must be something very elementary which I miss, but
Uwe Brauer