On Saturday 07 December 2019 05:00:56 am Gene Heskett wrote:
What I'd like to do is ask linux to lie during one
more copy operation,
by having a script scan the header of the message for the oldest date,
which likely is the date the message was rx'd here, and assign the
filesystems creation date from that header date. This would have the
effect of restoreing the time differences it is sorting by such that
there should not be 50 messages all sharing the same second in 2017
creation date from the last copy operation which is the situation now.
Hi Gene,
Yup, can be done!
“grep” will let you find a date.
"stat" will let you see a file's Access, Modify, Change, and Birth
“touch” will let you change Access and Modify datetimes.
The first Ref: gives a find loop to use. The second Ref: gives a (possibly
risky) method to modify the Change time. Google for grep, tons of examples
of that (and tons of ways to do the same thing with it)