I am trying to change the screen background in Trinity's Konsole and not
having any luck.
In PCLinuxOS, it defaults to white text on a black screen.
Settings/Configure Konsole/Schema shows it's on 'Linux Colors'.
In both Debian and Ubuntu, it's the opposite, default is black text on a
white screen. The Schema setting in both, is on 'Black on Light Color'.
In all three, if I change the Schema to 'Transparent, Light Background'
and click Apply, nothing happens. If I exit Konsole and relaunch, the
Schema is back to 'Linux Colors' and 'Black on Light Color',
PCLinuxOS is the main (or 'host') OS installed on the hard drive, both
Debian and TDE Ubuntu are installed in VirtualBoxes.
Am I perhaps missing a step somewhere??
Thanks in advance.