I use mailfilter as a prefilter in front of fetchmail to nuke some spam
while its still on the server.
But its missing hits on what I suspect is the From: or Return-Path:
strings that have quotation marks in the string because the string is
being spec'd by being surrounded by "show this name" bs.
I've added the character < as part of the string its to search for, so
the search string now looks like "From:.*<*\.unwanted-tld". Does this
stand that famous snow balls chance in hell of working well with or
without a quoted "some funkity name" in front of the real url with the
<> around it?
I just love the lack of documentation on how this string comparison stuff
works as shown by the man pages for grep and regex. All sorts of
control options are well covered, but figureing out how to write a
search expression must be one of the worlds better guarded secrets.
So if someone could show me, or give a url that actually has the full
docs, I'd be greatfull.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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