oops ... correction:
Anno domini 2022 Tue, 10 May 16:53:16 +0200
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp scripsit:
Anno domini 2022 Tue, 10 May 16:19:59 +0200
Stefan Krusche scripsit:
Good Day Everyone!
I wonder how I can find out which key combination prints a specific
character, generally, I mean when the character is not printed on the
keyboard itself.
$ xmodmap -pk | grep -i A_SYMBOL_NAME
You find the key symbols in /usr/include/X11/XF86keysym.h - but not all
UTF-8 chyracters are denined.
Case: I want to print the symbol for TM (trade
mark) but I don't know
the keys to get it.
™ - but it's not in /usr/include/X11/XF86keysym.h. I usually pick things
like this from a UFT-8 table and past it over :)