said Marvin L Jones:
| On Tue, 2 Apr 2013, dep wrote:
| >this is very strange on both machines that i have just upgraded<
| >keyboard and mouse input arevery strange (for instance, that was
| >supposed to be a comma above). it is intermittent. caps lock comes
| > on for no reason and does not show on the keyboard as caps lock.
| > by hitting caps lock (and lighting the caps lock light) i get
| > lower case -- but not for all characters. some keys do not
| > register without going back and hitting them again. occasionally
| > (until i turned off repeat), the space bar would go on spacing
| > forever until i hit backspace.
| >
| >likewise, the mouse pointer sometimes works just fine but other
| > times when i click it it selects everything from where i was to
| > where it is, and there's no getting it to do otherwise.
| Nothing like that here on Ubuntu 10.04 with a fully
| updated/upgraded Trinity -- using Slavek's repositories.
| No much help, I know.
| Jonesy
this is really strange. following a reboot, things seem okay again,
but then it starts up and goes to the point where everything is
unusable. this with (k)ubuntu 12.04.
not accusing TDE -- i try to keep current on all upgrades, so some
other "fix" might be to blame. just thought there might be a changed
default or something that i needed to reconfigure.
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