On 2021-06-25 3:13 AM, Gianluca Interlandi wrote:
I wonder whether there is a way to remove some of the tray icons in the panel. For
example, I get two clipboards: the
trinity clipboard and the parcellite clipboard. I would like to get rid of the parcellite
clipboard. I can close it for
the current session by right-cliking it and chooseing "Exit", but at the next
login it reappears. Is the only way to
achieve it to uninstall parcellite?
Cioa Gianluca,
parcellite is a non-TDE application. It may have some config options/start up file, so you
will need to look for it and
disable the startup feature, if any.
I am not familiar with it, so I can't give more detailed feedback unfortunately. But
perhaps a google search may point
you in the right direction.