Hi all!
Is there a way to tell if TDE has just turned on the display after sending it to sleep?
Maybe a hook, a program, whatever?
Reason is that on a T460 the backlight control needs to write the brigtness value twize to
restore it to its inital value after DPMS turned the display off, otherwise it's at ~
50% and the user needs to increase the value manually - which is espectially anoying on
these Notebooks when the primary function of the function keys is "be a function
My workaround for now is "xset dpms 0 0 0: xset s off" - which does a fine job
in keeping the display lit, but TDE cannot send the display to suspend as this also needs
written 2 times to actually work. The fun part is that when the display is fully lit then
the the user only need one write cyle to change the brighness.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...