On Friday 20 November 2020 03:37:25 pm J Leslie
Turriff wrote:
For some time now, whenever I open a PDF file
with kpdf, its window
appears only a few inches tall instead of the max height from when I have
previously closed it. I have tried to use Advanced => Special Window
Settings => Maximized vertically [force], but that doesn't work.
Now the main kmail window is starting to do the same thing. What's
causing this, and how can I fix it?
Sounds like something is eating your config files/settings? You can check
that by using find with a time ago setting:
cd /home
find michael -newermt $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d '1 day ago') -type f -iname
Try updating a special window setting and change the above to check every
file for say 5 seconds ago to see where it got stored. Make a copy of it,
then check it again after it gets 'broken.'
Not the complete solution, but should help some.
I'll give that a try, but it seems unlikely, because none of my
customizations of either kpdf or kmail have disappeared.