On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 09:41:31AM +0100, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Hosea 8:7
"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind" --
spoken of Israel's punishment for having turned away from the demands of
their petty and cruel god.
Whatever the sins of the French government, and there are many, or even
of individual French people, the victims did not deserve to be murdered
or injured like this. Two wrongs do not make a right, and I think that
it is contemptible to suggest that the victims in Paris deserved their
fate for turning away from god.
This sort of medieval religious hatred is one of the reasons we're in
this predicament: we blow them up, they blow us up, which gives us the
excuse we were looking for to blow them up some more.
I wish I could believe that the cycle of violence would end some day,
but I doubt it. So-called Homo sapiens is a nasty, violent, tribal
chimpanzee with pretentions of grandure, and greater power hasn't
brought on greater wisdom. We commit inexcusable acts with vengence and
retaliation for crimes (real or imaginary) as the excuse, but the real
reason is that "we" want something "they" have, be it oil or power or
just the joy of seeing strangers dead for the unspeakable crime of
fighting back.
For those sending their thoughts and sympathy to the 100 or so innocent
victims in Paris, whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time, perhaps you can find a drop of sympathy to spare for the
multiple thousands of innocents we have blown to pieces for exactly the
same crime. High explosive doesn't discriminate, and the fact that we
talk about "surgical" strikes and "precision" bombs is a grotesque and
self-serving lie, as bad and as ridiculous as the one about the 72
virgins waiting in heaven. (For every militant killed by drone, an
average of 37 non-combatants, including women and children, is
also killed.)
Until both sides are prepared to acknowledge their crimes, AND change
their behaviour, the cycle of violence will just continue.