Hi Gianluca,
On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 16:18 (-0700), Gianluca Interlandi wrote:
Hi Jim,
> Whether you like those results better than
ragged-right is up to you,
> of course.
I prefer "flush left" (not block mode),
When you used "justified", I incorrectly thought "filled". My bad.
so the first example you gave. But I had also set gvim
to not add an
extra space after the period. I'm sure there is a way to set this
also in emacs.
I re-filled your paragraph above with fill-paragraph, and, as you see,
there are not two spaces after the periods. There may be some setting
which preserves two spaces if the paragraph already has two, but
doesn't otherwise put two. So again, that should not be a problem.
Emacs (for better or worse) is pretty much infinitely customize-able.
Sometimes it can be difficult to find out what needs to be customized,
but I suspect you would have to have some truly pathological text
editing needs in order to find something that isn't easy (easy once
you know how, anyway) in emacs.