Christian Schmitz composed on 2021-12-03 19:16 (UTC-0300):
Hi everyone:
I am trying to setup 2 monitors. The hardware is:
AMD chipset, ATI video card
screen 3 Vga monitor 20" ( 1600x900 )
screen 2 DVI-I to adapter to Vga monitor 14" ( 1024x768)
I can use display and rotation to the following
screen3 main monitor
screen2 extended desktop
But i have 2 problems and question
1) every boot the screen are cloned and not extended.
How i can do to store permanently the extended configuration?
2) when the screen are cloned i see well into screen
2, but when i switch to
extended the screen 2 the color are degraded like old 16 ega.
How fix it?
Please provide output from the following:
xrandr --listproviders
xrandr | egrep 'onnect|creen|\*' | grep -v disconn | sort -r
inxi -Gay
Before running the above commands, update inxi thus:
sudo inxi -U
If you don't, you'll probably get error message(s) from a or y switches. If the
command is refused, either update by following the instructions on:
or use the instructions on that site that allow to override the distro's -U switch
defeat via an /etc/inxi.conf file.
Note that I don't try to use any DE's screen configurator. Instead, I do it
globally via xrandr script in /etc/X11/ somewhere, depending on distro. With
output requested above, I can probably make such a script for you.
The colors problem might not be solvable. An old Radeon card might have bad RAM (I
seen it quite a bit) or insufficient RAM for the total output space.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata