Personally, I like being part of a small, niche market
that concentrates on it's core driver.
If we get onto social networks, do we get to tell the world what we did today? Share
photos of the great meal we have
just eaten, even before we have had time to digest it? Perhaps write reams and reams
about something, anything, nothing
....... :-)
In the words of the song, "call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye ....."
Merry Christmas everybody, unless of course that upsets you then Happy Holidays or maybe
I hope these days it's safe to say, Happy New Year to all!
We have in fact launched the @tde channel on floss already, but we had yet to announce it
officially (Slavek is
preparing [I hope :-) ] a nice announcement email.
The contents will definitely be of technical nature, I doubt you will never know what we
ate for dinner last night on
that channel :-P
If you want a quick preview, you can check out the channel (and its few announcements so
far) on or subscribed to an RSS feed at
(this second way do not require
an account on floss, but you won't be able to reply back I believe).
As for other platforms, community maintained effort will be welcome as we discussed in
previous emails. Feel free to
repost or link official announcements from the official Mastodon channel.