On Monday 11 June 2018 19:51:26 Kate Draven wrote:
On Monday 11
June 2018 18:42:41 Kate Draven wrote:
Draven wrote:
> Hi people (and others)
I am not aware that cats are members of this list :)
---- -
If cats had their way, they would be overlords.
And yes, they have infiltrated the organization.
And they, I take it, have delegated the food bowl and excrement pan
maintenance to you? Its a dirty job, but I suppose somebody has to
do it.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
And I have to feed them too...
So, not takers on how to disable auto mounting of external HDs?
Heck, right now I've two, decade old red sata, both of which has succumed
to the ravages of the red dye used in the cable. So before I can update
from wheezy, I'll have to find someplace that has sata cables that
aren't that hot red color. If you have some red ones in your systems,
order replacements that are any color but red, because you WILL replace
the reds ones sooner or later, usually under 5 years later.
Thats another way of saying I am not automounting 2 of the 3 drives in a
hot swap cage.
Now we're back on topic, sorta, but I'm no help. But I also have a very
faded memory of doing something in /lib/udev/rules.d to stop that, but
its much of a half decade back up the log and even then my short term
memory was starting to get fuzzy. And I don't see an obviously out of
date, newer version of anything disk related in /lib/udev/rules.d. That
may not be where I putzed with it. Poor memory, the curse of the
so-called golden years.
What ever, it was interfering with the blkid based mounting
in /etc/fstab.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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