>>> I could swear I was able to do just that
in the past when I was using
>>> smaller displays than I am now (27"). Too, I was able to set the
>>> spacing on a smallish netbook. I just spent a little time trying to
>>> find the setting I might have changed in Trinity Control Center and
>>> no joy. Maybe it'll come to me when I'm in the shower next time.
>> I'm not sure it was KDE that offered it. IMO it was Windows XP :) ...
the last version I ever actually used - UT99 did not run on Liniux that days. Well,
now it does :) I was told that M$ removed that "feature" from
the newer version as well.
Windows does. And TDE will do soon thanks to some good work from Philippe (not yet merged
to master)! :-)
Yes! Im'm looking forward to test it :)
Dear all,
thanks to the great effort from Philippe, we now have this functionality available in TDE
(both R14.1.x and R14.0.x)
You can change the spacing between icons on desktop from the "Behavior" tab,
with a minimum of 5 pixels.
The functionality works when icons are aligned to the grid and lock in place is disabled.
If enabled (again in Behavior tab), you can also use Ctrl + Mouse wheel scroll to change
the settings directly from
For those on PSB/PTB, updated packages should be available soon.