On 09/19/2014 12:33 PM, Michael . wrote:
I'm about to start on making a live version of a
minimal install of
TDE for Cobber (Australasian Debian). I am wondering what are the
absolute minimum packages required for a working TDE without
applications. The intent behind the minimal install is to allow end
users who want to choose the applications in their install to install
only what they need and want. I will provide synaptic (or a TDE
equivalent) for those who want a gui for package selection but there
will be no office suite, games, graphics tools, music or video tools.
In other words all I want is the visible desktop, menu etc so that the
user can navigate enough to install more applications through their
internet connection using either synaptic or a terminal.
Hi Michael
As I am a user of PCLinuxOS-KDE-*Minime* ( besides pclos-TDE from
Alexandre ) I applaud your efford.
If you let me/us know where your beta's are, I will test them and report
back to you _if you want it so__._
Good luck
I will watch this space