From: lisi.reisz(a)
Thanks, Alexandre. They don't look bad. But I can't tell how much you have
adapted them to their present comparatively legible state, nor how much they
would move and wobble if they were not screen-shots. I shall look at KDE5,
as I did at KDE4. I hope I like it better. Hope springs eternal. ;-)
But TDE rules!
You all raised good questions about it. From what you can see in the screenshots,
native Plasma 5 apps and the desktop generally has the default setting, and nothing
tweaked at all. For TDE apps, I use QtCurve widget style, but when it ran on Plasma 5,
looks like Plasma 5 provided its own QTCurve settings, instead of using my own one. The is
very little desktop effects, just fade-in and fade-out when programs are started and
closed. Also, a little bit of transparencies here and there.
Tim, I have never been able to say who copy each other between KDE and Win. But the first
time I saw Win7, I knew for sure that they have copied the larger, transparent panel at
the bottom of the screen from KDE. I guess that it is part of the industry...
If you want to try it, the process to install it on Ubuntu 14.04 is almost the same as for
installing TDE:
Packages for Kubuntu 14.04 LTS For 14.04, on Kubuntu, Project Neon
is available as PPAs which offers frequently updated development
snapshots of KDE Frameworks. Packages will be installed to
/opt/project-neon5 and will co-install with your normal environment.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:neon/kf5
sudo apt update
sudo apt install project-neon5-session project-neon5-utils project-neon5-konsoleThank