said J Leslie Turriff:
| > | I can also use the Message => Apply Filter => Filter Classify as
| > | spam action to mark stuff that gets past the regular spam filter.
| > | Since at that point I've already decided that it's spam, it would be
| > | nice to have it mark it as 'read' in addition to putting it into
| > | 0_Spam?; is it possible to do that somehow?
| >
| > Create filter > Filter on [whatever] > Filter Actions > More . . . >
| > Mark As [in drop list] then, in white box to the left drop list, Read.
| > --
| > dep
| I guess that will work if I set 'Add this filter to the Apply Filter
| menu'. What should I put in 'Match all/any of the following'?
Dunno -- I thought you were talking about marking as read messages you were
already passing through a filter, so I was noting how to add the "read"
flag to that filter. My apologies if I misunderstood your purpose.