Thanks for your reply Rolf. I will try your tips sometime next week - I only have access
to this
machine on Mondays and Tuesdays ;-) OI have seen the skeleton file before posting, but the
is it looks quite daunting. I was hoping someone might already have a file for starting
HAL but
if not I guess I'll have to write it myself.
Dnia środa, 20 kwietnia 2016, Rolf Schmidt napisał:
Hi Jan
That being said, how do I make hald start during
system boot? I have hald
binary in /usr/sbin but I am missing startup scripts in /etc/init.d.
During Good Old Times it was enough to create a script that run the
required command and place that script in directory corresponding to a
given runlevel (in case of Debian this would be /etc/rc5.d). But this
does not seem to work. Does anyone have a script that starts up hald and
could perhaps post it to the list?
Search for the file "skeleton" in /etc/init.d. Copy this file perhaps to
"" and edit it. If you have finished run "update-rc.d" to
aktivate the skript. Read also the README-File in /etc/init.d
BTW: Runlevel 2 is the prefered runlevel in debian.
Hope that helps
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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