said Michael:
| Appologies if this is useless as I know nothing about gthumb or digikam,
| but based upon the name gthumb (eg thumbs...) have you looked at an app
| called Geeqie? I've used it for years and it does have a right click
| open in gimp.
Having spent pretty much all day messing around with various
applications -- Gwenview, Shotwell, and of course gThumb and digikam --
your recommendation comes as close as I can find to being useful for my
purposes (though I have come configuring and such to do before I'm sure).
gThumb was a great program, but after about 3.3.1 the gnomaniacs improved
it to and beyond uselessness.
When I get back from an assignment I dump the pictures into directories on
the hard drive, then use a program (previously gThumb) to take a quick
look, look at a larger version of the picture(s) I think I want, open
it/them in the GIMP for a touchup, and ship 'em. I don't need "albums"
cutesy-named collections or anything beyond what I described a sentence
ago. You'd think this would be easy to find. It's not, though Geeqie may
be made to do these things.
Some pictures: