James D Freels wrote:
It is at this point, where I need some help in how to
fix it, and I
suspect that all debian/buster users may have the same issue, but not
sure of course. I hope I can help get his bug fixed before the final
release of TDE for buster.
Thanks again.
Jim Freels, PhD (retired)
I am amazed that no one suggested following:
There is a known bug related to systemd in /lib/systemd/system/tdm.service
Just comment out the Conflicts line
$ cat /lib/systemd/system/tdm.service
Description=Trinity Display Manager
#Conflicts=getty(a)tty7.service plymouth-quit.service
After=systemd-user-sessions.service getty(a)tty7.service plymouth-quit.service
# temporary safety check until all DMs are converted to correct
# display-manager.service symlink handling
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '[ "$(basename
$(cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null))" = "tdm" ]'