J Leslie Turriff via tde-users wrote on 9/22/23 22:05:
I think you have to, after removing the sidebar, set Sessions => Save As,
with a new name, e.g. 'NoSidebar' before doing File => Quit. Then that will
be the session loaded the next time, since you have 'Load last-used session'
active when you quit.
1. Open blank kate.
This has a sidebar with "Untitled" in it.
2. Remove sidebar.
3. set Sessions => Save As
saves as "nosidebar"
4. File | Quit
5. Open blank kate.
No sidebar. Good.
6. Type some text.
7. Save as "testfile".
8. File Quit
9. Open blank kate
Side bar is present, with the word "testfile" in it.
Also, the editing area isn't blank; it contains the text of testfile.