On 10/19/19,
deloptes <deloptes(a)gmail.com> wrote:
When you define a problem, you can also find a
solution - simply saying
"I don't like it" is not a problem definition.
I'm not gonna waste time rehashing why I don't want systemD. Went
through something similar when KDE4 came out and was told to get with
the programs and "upgrade". A new version is usually not an upgrade.
> I've been using Debian with sysv-init, but only because systemd was
and I needed time to learn it. The concept of keeping systemd
and using init was a very good solution. I think I'll keep it on the
server, but for the desktop, I do not see a reason why you should not
use systemd.
Yep and other people don't see why we don't use KDE5 or GNOME3 instead
of mate/cinnamon.
I guess you are also not driving a car from the
Nope. I have 2 from the 80s though. Would have no problem with a car
that old. I might spent a bit more in gas, but my paid off vehicles
don't have a monthly payment & the insurance is cheaper. Always trade
Kinda like my almost 15 year old Thinkpad T60p. Does what I need and
has the 4x3 screen that makes it easier for me to get stuff done.
Agreed Larry.
My reply is NOT intended to upset anyone.
It's not my place to tell others what to want or use.
Just answer the question, which is PCLOS Big Daddy build by Alistair
Izzard. Not perfect but I can get everything I need done. Video/audio
editing, desktop publishing, internet, email and more. Very reliable,
hasn't failed me yet. Thanks Ali.
If someone else wants to use something else, wonderful. I look forward the
comparison and stories about it. Difference is wonderful.
Just answer the question, the why of this question belongs only to the one
For the record....
1974 Chevy Nova Coupe Hatchback RS
Thinkpad T60 with a WD SSD
Kate hopes off the soap box and mysteriously disappears to the mist.
I ride a bike (though not so often as I ought to do), don't have any kind of
motor vehicle, and build my computers out of spare parts.
If I could have got my old rotten Apple or Windoze systems to behave and do
what I wanted, I would probably have stuck with that, and never gone down
this rabbit hole. I am not such a purist, that I care to argue about this or
that; I only know what works best for me.