On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 22:24:31 -0400
dep <dep(a)drippingwithirony.com> wrote:
In my experimenting I've managed to make things worse. In KControl
there's a check box "Apply colors to non-TDE applications. I unchecked it
and it did not fix the problem, but it did make menus in both TED and
non-TED applications very tiny indeed; also the text in, for instance,
KMail -- *all* of KMail. I quickly rechecked it, but it did not revert to
the way it was before, so I now have tiny text all over the place. No
fun. Still trying to figure out how changing colors in non-TDE
applications should have changed the font size in pretty much everything.
I already written about that on this list long time ago. That checkbox is
very badly named, the correct name should be "Apply themes to non-TDE
application". It additional to colors it tries to apply fonts and
ok/cancel order and who knows what else. Also, afaik, it only apply them on
checking the box by writing to various config files, so if something also
altered this files you have to uncheck and recheck it to reapply.
Nick Koretsky (nick.koretsky(a)gmail.com)