Hi Gianluca,
See below.
On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 15:05 (-0700), Gianluca Interlandi wrote:
The other issue I'm having with OpenSUSE 15.3 is
that xdvi no longer
displays figures in a .dvi document (.dvi is the result of compiling a .tex
Do you mean xdvi does not work at all? Or that some content (text?)
is displayed and not other (image?) content? If so, can you attach a
concrete example to your next message?
I can use okular to display the .dvi document, but I
miss how fast
xdvi is.
It is fast, no doubt.
Can emacs also display .dvi documents? Are there any
other fast
viewers for .dvi documents?
I don't recall ever having seen anything to display .dvi files in
emacs, so I just took a quick look. There are some packages that
convert .dvi files to .png files and display those, but I doubt that
you would find that faster than okular. On my system okular seems
pretty fast (I looked at
.../texlive/2021/texmf-dist/source/fontinst/base/fisource.dvi which is
224 pages and there was no laggyness I could detect, okular seemed
more or less as fast as xdvi).
Perhaps there is something wrong with your openSUSE ?