said Felix Miata via tde-users:
| Not all cursors come in a size between 22 and 48. Try 28. If that's no
| help, try different cursors. The dmz-cursor-theme package provides 32. I
| specify in /etc/X11/Xresources in some distros. In some others, I put a
| file in
| /etc/X11/Xresources.d/. In Debian, it's:
| > cat /etc/X11/Xresources/cursors32dmzw
| Xcursor.theme: DMZ-White
| Xcursor.size: 32
I made a ~/.Xresources file that contains only the information Nik
suggested. It is effective some places nod not someplaces. For instance,
Textmaker, the cursors I specify show up perfectly -- and the red I-beam
is Heaven! In LibreOffice, Firescape, and the sddm login screen, it does
what it wants.
I did after some looking find a cursor that pretty much meeds my specs,
XCursor Pro Red: What's cool about it,
beside it being very red, is this:
XCursor Sizes:
22x22, 24x24, 28x28, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80,
88x88, 96x96
And here, 32 seems just about right, though I might get bored, or my
eyesight continue its current path, and try 40.
| I'm thinking that in not all Linux releases and TDE releases is this
| enough, but provides the means for using KControl to select DMZ White,
| which then picks up size 32 from the global setting.
That's the issue here: establishing a global setting. Firefox can do what
it wants; I don't much care. But LibreOffice says it gets its theme and
size from the system. I have no idea where . . . Never mind! I just opened
LibreOffice following a reboot, and it, and now Netfox, have a nice,
thick, very red I-beam! Now I don't have to spend half the time chasing my
cursor around and can devote myself to bad writing. the gtk-3.0 config
file did the trick -- which it hadn't done earlier.
Thanks to you and Nik (and Gene -- I suppose I won't have to go out and buy
Legos or jacks). Wonder what else there is around here to break . . .