I think I'll try your distro on my Sony VAIO PictureBook C1VN.
This crap has a 600mhz Transmeta Crusoe 5600, developping approximately
16mhz of equivalent Intel CPU power :)
And it has 128mb of RAM, not really upgradeable, killing every bit of
possible performance...
The interesting point is that this Transmeta CPU is in fact a 586
virtual machine, so it is non-PAE. Debian was too heavy for it and I
want to see your distro running on my C1VN.
128 ram may not be enough for a useable TDE. If you got that far, the
ExeGNU installer might puke. 256 is probably the useable minimum.. but
do try it and let us know!
Debian was too heavy for it
Depends what DE you chose and perhaps you needed to use the optional
text-based installer. ExeGNU is Debian Wheezy-based.
Another possibility is antiX (also Debian-based) which has 486 kernel
versions and claims to run on 128 ram.