On 10/04/2019 02:44 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 09/29/2019 07:35 AM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Hi all!
I have konqueror set to a dark background with bright font. When I use icon
view, things look great. But any list view uses the color from "alternative
list background" that is set in tcontrol, which in my case is light to
match the light background of all other windows with dark font. This leads
to light/dark lines in konqueror (which I do not want, I want dark
background and maybe a slightly lighter alaternating background). When I
set alternative background to bdark, then konqueror looks fine but e.g. ark
has zebra stripes.
Does anybody know of a way to make konqueror not use the alternative list
1) if background image is enabled, disable it;
2) kcontrol->Appearance & Themes->Colors->
Widget Color [Alternative Background in Lists]
Set to current dark color you are using, then use middle-mouse wheel
to scroll the saturation up a few clicks (brighter) by just a few
shades until you are happy.
I use a konqueror background of : #06080C
and alternative background in lists: #0B1118
and konqueror text color : #C0C0C0
A screenshot will help:
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.