On 17/06/2011 14:57, David Hare wrote:
You could investigate smxi, the Debian "Swiss
Army Knife"
I have used it for some years, it's really good. The developer was one
of the original Sidux crew.
Among other things there is an option to dump the gtk file handlers for
Mozilla stuff (iceweasel is rebranded mozilla)
Make sure kdm-trinity is closed </etc/init.d/kdm-trinity stop> before
you run it and restart it manually from console </etc/init.d/kdm-trinity
start> , smxi will not automatically detect Trinity and must run with X
Thank you for this very interesting link, even though I didn't investigate this yet.
An update here: I recently discovered that the font size problem doesn't only affect
mozilla softwares but also, for example, the trinity session locker and sometimes konsole
(very small fonts when switching between screens for both of them).
Does anyone understand what's happening here? Alternatively, is there any away I can
force Trinity for set/reset the font sizes on demand?
Thank you a lot,