tde-devels March 2012
  • 22 participants
  • 190 discussions

libtool version - "Third Point in the Line"
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

Trinity composition manager not working?
by Darrell Anderson
12 years, 11 months

tdeaddons & tdegames build fails at start - missing .moc files??
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

SOLVED: Whoop! tdeutils building on Arch - Hack of libtool created by configure required
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

tqscintilla - am I missing something - or is that a gcc issue? - expected ')' before '*' token
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

Peer signoff requested
by Darrell Anderson
12 years, 11 months

A note of encouragement!
by Darrell Anderson
12 years, 11 months

Build split package for sip4-tqt & provide Python2 and Python3 support
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

python - howto set include paths? can't find tqt.h ...
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months

sip4-tqt, sip, python2-sip (the sips) what is needed - Arch splits sip between python2 and python3 (worth doing?)
by David C. Rankin
12 years, 11 months
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