tde-devels April 2013
  • 13 participants
  • 66 discussions

Re: [trinity-devel] OnlyShowIn vs. NotShowIn
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

Re: [trinity-devel] OnlyShowIn vs. NotShowIn
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

OnlyShowIn vs. NotShowIn
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

Nightly builds update
by Timothy Pearson
11 years, 10 months

Testing apps for R14.0.0 release
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

Tim: Re: [trinity-devel] Parallelizing kded and ksmserver starting modules and apps
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

tderadio has no icon in the application launcher menu
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

Re: [trinity-devel] BLFS trintiy instructions.
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

Re: [trinity-devel] BLFS trintiy instructions.
by Darrell Anderson
11 years, 10 months

[Fwd: Re: [trinity-users] A Memory Comparison of Light Linux Desktops]
by Timothy Pearson
11 years, 10 months
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