On Sunday 20 of March 2022 09:19:19 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Are you or your friend willing to do the same for
refugees from Africa
or Syria? Or mayby - god forbid - Russia?
Anno domini 2022 Sat, 19 Mar 20:06:27 +0100
Michael Renner scripsit:
> Moin,
> a friend asked me for some (older) notebooks for people who fled from
> ukraine. So my point is: i would install ubuntu with tde if there is
> support for ukrainian language.
> Greetings
Nik, sorry, but your answer was not given to the question asked, but it was
just an allusion on a political topic that is not the subject of this
mailing list, regardless of the fact that it is now noticeably affecting
our lives and probably will be for a long time.
Unfortunately I do not know the languages that use migrants from areas that
you mentioned, but for example, the state of translations of Arabic is not
If you know any migrants from such areas who want to educate and work and
notebooks for them would be beneficial, you can look at the status of
translations for their languages: