After a plug on the Debian mailing list I got the following reply (which many
of you may already have seen):
Alas, Trinity's Debian repo does not appear to work for Jessie.
I'm sure that some of you must be running Jessie - or are we all waiting for
14 to bed in on Wheezy, Stable, first?
Hi List,
the newly installed Trinity shwes me a alt+ctrl+del before the login.
Really? a windows-alike?
1) How to deactivate (kinda silly on a single notebook)
2) use! another! key! combination!
Ok its been awhile since Ive used KDE 3.. how do we install apps?
I installed MUON but it tried to download like KDE 4 it looked like it installed alot of KDE 4 resources.
I have synaptic installed now.. Not profecient with it I am use to a graphical interface but learning.
also how do we update the OS? I tried typing in ADEPT not found.. I looked though the menus in classic mode and I dont see an updater???
I installed TDE though a CD instead of a sudo apt-get method.
~ Christopher ~
I cannot figure out how to install flash...
I tried sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras it says
E: doesnt exist.
I went to and firefox goes to a page cant be displayed because there is no APT installed.
~ Christopher ~
here is something odd... before bed last night I put the pc in Hiber. got up this morning and turned the pc on and it shut down.. it didnt hiber. because when it came up and asked what OS do I want to load... TDE or TDE recovery etc.... I got back in and opened KONSOLE and put in UPTIME it said 1 min?
~ Christopher ~
since I first use Trinity, I have this problem that when using konqueror:
The button/icon for change the file view (icons, small icons, list, detailed list etc.) not working. The little arrow is somhow "merged" into the icon and doesn't opens the drop down menu, which gives the selection of the views.
Selecting the views from the menue bar "view" workes..
Hi List,
I don't know how, but my mother managed to get her Desktop populated withe the content of her home dir.
(Means there are icons of EVERYTHING that's in the home dir are on the desktop). How do I get rid of that? I tried everything I could imagine inside the ~/Desktop dir, which hasn't any effect at all.
So what to do now??
I tested a machine with debian-live-lxde. So the network-manager worked out of the box, I installed debian basic and then installed trinity and (among others) network-manager.
But how do I use it with trinrity? all hints from the list didn't helped.
Hi all!
I just ran into an interesting problem with kpowermanger (fresh installed
wheezy + TDE
when I have my testuser configured to "autologin" and has "kpowermanager"
aktivated, then
- on the first autologin, kpowermanager does not work, i.e. it shows a
dithered plug symbol.
- testuser logs out and automaticaly logs in again: "kpowermanager" works as
Is there an easy workaround instead of logging out the first time?
Could somebody with a deeper insight in TDE internals guide me to debug the
Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
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