I am using periodically the hebrew-phonetic keyboard, but I would like
to change its setting. How can I do that and where can I find
Uwe Brauer
I am running TDE R14.0.0. Recently, I configured the panel (I think it
was just positioning at the middle, doing transparency--which did not
work--and choosing the display style and taskbar grouping,) and my
taskbar icons disappeared. I changed around the things I had changed
many times, and 'show icons' was selected (except a few times
turning it off and on to see if that worked)... but they will not come
back. If anyone has a solution, it would be good to CC the message to
my e-address, because I do not use Gmane much right now, rather than
Apologies if this has been answered recently, but I'm getting several
errors while trying to update.
I was getting BADSIG errors, but those seem to be gone and "apt-get update"
completes, but now "apt-get dist-upgrade" fails with 404s:
precise/main kubuntu-default-settings-trinity all 4:
404 Not Found
etc, etc.
If I put that URL into FF, I get to a mirror, so that part seems to be
working. Maybe a mirror out of sync?
Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
College of Architecture, Regional and City Planning, MRCP '16
Feedback? Contact my director, Matt Younkins, younkinsm(a)ou.edu. Thank you!
We have two machines running TDE, one 64-bit and one 32-bit, both with on Debian Jessie/Sid.
On the 32-bit one, print preview fails with
"Preview failed: unable to start program Postscript Info"
This is on (for example) kmail or kpdf.
On the 64-bit one, no problems.
Any suggestions?
---------- 32-bit one ---------------
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/slavek-banko/axis/ubuntu wheezy
cat /etc/debian_version
Sent from my linux system running Debian 8, desktop trinity-KDE.
This email is plain text, not HTML. Any attachments are either .jpeg or .pdf
Well, happiness, the Wheezy build has made it!
One error, however,
W: GPG error: http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net wheezy
Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG
43F1DC4F2B8638D0 QuickBuild Trinity Desktop Environment
I made sure to follow the add-key instructions, but the key said "no
change" when it was updated.
Just FYI,
is there a way to know more about this error?
a verbose kmail log?
another log in /var/log... ?
>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: sacarde(a)libero.it
>Data: 29/06/2013 11.59
>A: <trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
>Ogg: R: kmail error pop3
>I add some informations:
>- with account imap kmail works OK
>- may be a dbus problem?
>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: sacarde(a)libero.it
>>Data: 27/06/2013 9.37
>>A: <trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
>>Ogg: kmail error pop3
>> I try to migrate kmail from a system with kdemod3 to tde-kmail
>>I copy:
>>configuration file (to ~/.trinity/share/config/kmailrc)
>>application dir (to ~/.trinity/share/apps/kmail)
>>but when I start tde-kmail I have error:
>>"could not start process pop3"
>>can you help me?
On Saturday 29 June 2013 19.34:50 François Andriot wrote:
> Hello,
> the mirrors are still not synchronized.
> There is nothing you can do but wait (I do not know how long).
> Francois
No problem, I can wait :)
Thank you for the confirmation.
Hi all,
I gave a try to Mageia 3 today, and wanted to install Trinity Desktop,
following the instructions given.
However it does not work.
When setting up the repositories I get:
Retrieving failes : curl failed : exited with 22
no metedata found for medium
I tried to check the given url but get:
You don't have permission to access
Does this mean the Mageia 3 repositories are not yet online, or am I doing
something wrong?
I add some informations:
- with account imap kmail works OK
- may be a dbus problem?
>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: sacarde(a)libero.it
>Data: 27/06/2013 9.37
>A: <trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
>Ogg: kmail error pop3
> I try to migrate kmail from a system with kdemod3 to tde-kmail
>I copy:
>configuration file (to ~/.trinity/share/config/kmailrc)
>application dir (to ~/.trinity/share/apps/kmail)
>but when I start tde-kmail I have error:
>"could not start process pop3"
>can you help me?
I solve installing packages: libpng12 and libpng14
>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: sacarde(a)libero.it
>Data: 26/06/2013 11.53
>A: <trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
>Ogg: icons problem
> I install tde-3.5.13 on my archlinux64
>with some other kde4 packages
>I use kmail from tde-tdepim
>but I don view any icons...
>can you help me?
>thank you