  • 11 participants
  • 4201 discussions

Mail bounces ???
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
3 years, 6 months

rpi: cannot mount flashdrive
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
3 years, 6 months

Konqueror (file manager, su mode) question.
by Γιώργος Κωστόπουλος
3 years, 6 months

Update-notifier applet
by midi-pascal
3 years, 6 months

Re: Update-notifier applet
by Mike Bird
3 years, 6 months

TDE 14.1: subpixel hintig greyed out ?
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
3 years, 6 months

ksmserver crashes on logout
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
3 years, 6 months

No Packages For Bullseye
3 years, 6 months

problem with sound for bullseye upgrade on amd64: must be root for sound to work on my machine
by James D Freels
3 years, 6 months

Re: problem with sound for bullseye upgrade on amd64: must be root for sound to work on my machine
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
3 years, 6 months
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