Some of the mail I get is HTML-only, and has vertical bars for indentation markers instead of >. Unfortunately, they are almost impossible to see (much like the break markers in toolbars. Is there a way to change their colour? I tried modifying the Alternative Background Color in settings, but that didn't help.
Good day!
Has anyone noticed that kweather applet doesn't update weather data
anymore since some weeks?
More exactly, weather data for "Berlin-Tegel". Kweather comes obviously
with a database from which you can choose your location (airport). For
Berlin that used to be "Berlin-Tegel" and "Berlin-Tempelhof" (which is
dead since 2009). I checked with "Braunschweig" and it shows actual
current data.
Last time that happened the URL for retrieving the data had changed on
the part of the server ( This URL was hardcoded in the source
of the software and one of the developers had to change it (Tim did
that) and it worked again since.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S.
Department of Commerce offers a lot of services on where
the local weather data used to be served as single html pages which
were named according to their respective ICAO-Codes (airport IDs).
I suspect they again changed something, but I couldn't find anything
relevant on their homepage in a couple of minutes.
"QCLCD ASCII Files are no longer available. Please use the Global-Hourly
File Access link above."
I don't know what "QCLCD" means. I'm only guessing here anyway.
Maybe only kweather's database of available airport weather stations
needs to be updated…
Kind regards,
On 2021-01-13 18:17:05 deloptes wrote:
> J Leslie Turriff wrote:
> > Mapping to Canadian provinces wouldn't be too hard; where can I get the
> > list of stations? Don't know about other countries; you'd have to ask
> > people from those places for help.
> $ grep Canada nsd_cccc.txt
> Can you create a simple mapping ( station_ID state_ID) and review the
> state_ids below, please?
> [CA]
> name=Canada
Also PE and NU; and according to Wikipedia, YK is commonly used, but the
official code is YT. (!)
| New | Old (Eng., Fr) | Name
| ----- | --------------- | ---------------------
| AB | Alta, Alb | Alberta
| BC | B C, C-B | British Columbia
| MB | Man | Manitoba
| NB | N B, N-B | New Brunswick
| NF | Nfld,N L, T-N-L | Newfoundland
| NS | N S, N-E | Nova Scotia
| NT | N W T, T N-O | Northwest Territories
| NU | Nvt, Nt | Nunavut
| ON | Ont | Ontario
| PE | P E I, I P E | Prince Edward Island
| QC | Que, Qc, PQ, QU | Quebec
| SK | Sask | Saskatchewan
| YT,YK | Yuk, Yn | Yukon Territory
> Hi all!
> I just found a problem on my T14 with TDE 14.0.10: Konqueror does not show
previews of video files. It turned out that the
package "mplayerthumbs-trinity" was missing. Isn't there a dependency that
sould pull in this package?
> Nik
> --
> Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing
with the NSA, CIA ...
> ____________________________________________________
Hi Doc,
The package, in PCLOS, is called trinity-mplayerthumbs
When I did a search for mplayerthumbs-trinity, nothing showed up.
Try trinity-mplayerthumbs or just mplayerthumbs
What distro btw (not that it would make a diff I think)?
PS it works well here.
[Ooops, sent too soon ....]
Hi all!
I just found a problem on my T14 with TDE 14.0.10: Konqueror does not show previews of video files. It turned out that the package "mplayerthumbs-trinity" was missing. Isn't there a dependency that should pull in this package? Or is this package not used for preview videos?
Anyhow, I cannot get previews of videos, despite the fact tha I think I have installed all relevant packages. So, does anybody know which packages are needed to get that working?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Hi all!
I just found a problem on my T14 with TDE 14.0.10: Konqueror does not show previews of video files. It turned out that the package "mplayerthumbs-trinity" was missing. Isn't there a dependency that sould pull in this package?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Anno domini 2021 Fri, 22 Jan 21:45:02 +0900
Michele Calgaro scripsit:
> On 2021/01/22 09:32 PM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> > Ok, got it. Behaviour is still the same, but I got a menu entry to permanently delete an item in the context menu - that's fine. Anyway, where's the fun in having a pandora box and not opening it - especially now siche we have masks and vaczine ?:)
> Ok thanks for checking. Maybe an idea for the future would b eto hav a DE wise option to choose whether to use the
> media:/ path or the real path, so people have a choice.
That would be a real cool option :)
> Btw, from desktop items, right click -> open system folder will open the actual path and will stay in it, if you need.
Ok, found it. Looks like mediamanager does not start konqueror on 14.1. when automounting (worked just befor the upgrade). Yes, idealy on my system mediamanger would start konqueror with the system folder for that device. Hm ... there is a shortcut to what I want to do, I'm sure :)
> Cheers
> Michele
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Hi all!
I'd like to get rid of system:/media/ and media:/ . My plan is to modify some tdeio libraries of my current TDE installation to do this, but this is where I hit a wall: Is there a way to get a minimal copy of code of the currently installed TDE - namely the tdeio part - build a modified version so that I can just copy the binaries over the current installed versions - without building and installing the whole TDE and installing it?
Maybe somebody can put me on the right track here.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
I did try to accomplish this by going through the Trinity Control Center /
Appearance / Colors, but nothing happens to my non-TDE apps, so far as I can
tell. (Actually, I am only guessing, from what I remember; my TCC screen has
been frozen now for a couple hours. See attachment.)
Some of my apps refuse to change colors, even though they used to behave like
I want (in Jessie, that is, before I upgraded to Devuan Beowulf). I seem to
recall that E.Liddell, or maybe Nik, offered some css tricks to do something
like this? The main thing is that I don't want to look at a white screen, but
I prefer to keep my own color scheme, not to use one of those ready-made
Right now it is psi-plus that won't accept the color scheme that I used before
the upgrade; it accepts some of the definitions, but will not change
background colors.
By the way, if I could get kopete to work again, that would be fine, too, but
kopete-trinity lags behind other chat applications. Pidgin is okay, and I
have others that I am trying out, but at present psi-plus works best for
me ... except for the white background, which tends to be hard on my old eyes
and gives me a headache.
Any suggestions on how to fix the problem or for a workaround?
Thanks for any help!
> On Saturday 16 January 2021 09:46:12 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I just found that after my latest updates to 14.0.10 I lost the "Delete"
> > funtionality in konqueror. When I do a right click on at file on a FAT32
> > usb thumbdrive, then the context menu pops up with the "Delete" entry
> > greyed out. Pressing "<DEL>"-key consequently des not delete the file nor
> > move it to the thrashcan. Pressing "<shift>+<DEL>" deletes the file.
> >
> > Does somebody else see this, too?
> >
> > Nik
> I just upgraded a couple days ago, and I don't have that problem. Everything
> works the same as before.
> The problem, however, may reside in the flash drive itself, and the fat32
> filesystem. I've had problems with both flash drives and SD cards: sometimes
> they mount and behave normally, sometimes not. Do you have the delete
> function when you are using Konqueror with non-fat drives, such as your
> hard drives?
> You might dig up your konquerorrc file, where the delete function can be set
> or unset. You might be able to override other changes by changing that file.
> Bill
> ____________________________________________________
I need to use fat32 because I still have some itsinks clients (thankfully
that's fading)
Stock formatted usb and SD cards do exhibit problems like that in general.
That's why I always format them with linux before use. I never have a problem
after that.
NTFS, when I have to use that crap, sometimes will. HFS doesn't give me much
of a problem, less than NTFS more than fat32.
Try clean formatting the drives before use and make use you chown to your user
just in case.