elcaseti wrote:
Here in North America, I'm not sure there are many
options for running
Sailfish OS. The Jolla phones don't support the cellular frequencies we
use here. I'm not very fond of tablets, but at least they're more likely
to just use wifi, which will work well on any continent. Did you install
Sailfish OS on your own devices, or buy some with Sailfish installed from
the factory?
the first one I ordered from India (Intex AquaFish) - did a research if it
would work in EU, and had to pay the custom tax - all together it was like
150-160€. My wife got it after she broke her N9, because the color is very
nice ;-). The OS was preinstalled there.
End of last year I bought Sony Xperia X and installed an image by myself -
total cost around 300 for phone and 50 for image. The Jolla image was
important, so that I may get the android support.
There are few things I dislike, or want to have fixed before I use it as
primary device, but I don't have the time to work on them. One major point
is BT (bluetooth) and PA (pulseaudio) and the gui support for both.