On 1/4/21 10:30 AM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Anno domini 2021 Mon, 4 Jan 09:33:46 -0500
Edward scripsit:
I used
the LXQt Debian 10.6 image to install, then installed TDE
after. I have removed the Konqueror icon from the desktop (as Web
Browser) and the panel and replaced them with the PCManFM-Qt file
manager, which is the default for LXQt. I will see how this works.
I didn't
have this problem before installing Trinity, so I may have to
discontinue using it.
Open Firefox, go to "about:config", enter
"browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", set it to "false".
Quit all firefox instances. Do whatever it takes to make firfox amnesia appear. Reboot,
log out, pray to the good of rotten software and lost spagetties. Restart firefox and
check if the popup pops up again. If yes, check filepermissions of the ~/.mozilla - e.g.
kill all firefox intances, do something like "chown $USER:$USER ~/.mozilla -R; chmod
u+rw ~/.mozilla -R", reboot, check again. Repeat till you either find what program
changes "browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser" to "true" or the problem
goes away.
Hi Nik,
I'll keep the list apprised. The above item in the config file was on
'true', I changed it to 'false' and rebooted the system.
This issue also occurred with Trinity and PCLinuxOS, using the TDE Mini
install image.