Michael composed on 2019-05-08 13:19 (UTC-0500):
William Morder wrote:
> Felix Miata wrote:
>> AFAICT, MX is XFCE-focused. I don't like
XFCE (or Gnome, the reason why I
>> jumped on KDE1 when I discovered it), or that it's built on a gtk3
>> foundation, which may be why.
On MX, yes I think it does default install XFCE, but
you don’t have to use it,
nor do you need anything Gnome. I don’t, I use TDE with it. I brought it up
as MX does have a lot of MX built tools that would make your install/setup
life easier.
MX 18.2 on distrowatch shows it with GTK 3.22.11. This problem was in my OP as
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=757142 and the links following it.
That's hardly the only problem I have with GTK, so anything built with it as a
foundation I'm ruling out unless it has something compelling that nothing else
has. Are these custom MX tools built with something else, QT or assembler maybe?
Since you’re going with TDE as the interface
(guessing), per Bill’s
installation vs. stability, I’d say MX is in the middle for installation. MX
is a no-systemd Debian stable so I believe people would score that high on
Is MX in the same place philosophically as AntiX was WRT /usr/local/ 3 years ago?
If it is, it's out of consideration, as explained on:
I don't have a problem with systemd any more. I'm well enough used to it. Since
it's part of the majors that I'm familiar with, not having it for me is not a
plus. It's actually a negative if system is Debian-based. I never got acclimated
to Debian's lack of a GUI-free multi-user runlevel, or lack of chkconfig for
managing init.
I’ll guess you’ve already thought of trying an Ubuntu
LTS? I’d surmise that
the 16.04 LTS would be basically feature locked by now and would give you
until 2024 until you’d need to look at it again.
If I was to consider Ubuntu, it would be the most recent LTS.
Maybe I just need to stick with TDE on openSUSE or Debian.
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata ***