Yet another computer in the house having died, I have temporarily set my
husband up using my netbook with a monitor, keyboard and mouse, running
Squeeze with Trinity
A single screen is set up that displays on both monitors the same.
This is unusable on the monitor.
I can find no way of setting two different settings. The screen number
control is greyed out.
So I use KContriol to set up a better resolution and sync rate, which
necessarily sets itself up on both. Except that the netbook screen goes on
strike and goes blank.
This suits me fine! But, although I have set this up in KControl, every time
my husband reboots, I have to set the monitor up for him again.
He is forgetting even those computer skills that I had managed to teach him.
I haven't a hope of teaching him how to use KControl for himself.
Help! When I have finished the course I am doing, I shall set him up
properly. But that is not until December. I need to limp him through now.
So is there any way I can persuade Trinity to keep the settings in KControl??