Hi, everybody!
The notebook Debianization project proceeds apace. Between the parsimonious default
packages in Debian -- "locate" is not installed by default, nor "sudo"
-- and my personal dislike of TDE defaults, it's finicky.
Having installed tdetrinity-base rather than the everything including the tea-timer
version, I went a little hog-wild in Synaptic and installed what seems to be too much gtk
support, for both 2 and 3, which caused firefox to blow up saying it can't do both. So
I went back to synaptic and removed Trinity-related gtk stuff. Now, when I open, say,
konsole, I get this, twice:
ERROR: ld.so: object '/opt/trinity/lib/kgtk/libkgtk2.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
It seems to do harm, but I'd just as soon install whatever is needed to make the error
go away. Anybody know which package I need?
Thanks in advance.