On Wed June 20 2018 13:08:15 Jimmy Johnson wrote:
On 06/20/2018 12:27 PM, Mike Bird wrote:
Please make your posts as precise as possible. I
still don't know what
you mean when you say you migrated to the "Devuan Jessie-Beowulf merged
Bill said that not me.
I apologize for my mistake.
I still don't know what Bill means by "Devuan Jessie-Beowulf merged
Please search
Debian bug reports for your Debian HDMI bug. If there's no
report on your problem please file one.
Why should I start now.
If you just complain it wastes developer time and is very inefficient.
Please search and file bug reports and thus provide focus and reduce
duplication and facilitate tracking, discussion, fixing, and fix
I'm not using Debian, I'm using Devuan.
Devuan is roughly 99.9% Debian and has roughly two orders of magnitude
more developers. Again, to avoid inefficient duplication, reports of
bugs in the Debian portion should be filed in the Debian bug database.
I'm sure the problem will be fixed in time it just
takes a couple of
years. In the meantime Dev's will be using Jessie and will not notice
the problem.
Relatively few people will be using Jessie henceforth due to immediately
reduced security support and slowly increasing obsolescence.
If you're in Yosemite I worked there for about 10
yrs(early 80's to
the early 90's), just thought I'd let you know.
I was the first ISP in the county - before the telco.