On Thursday 18 February 2016 02:50:13 Nick Leverton wrote:
In article
Gene Heskett <trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net> wrote:
And how does one go about "saving" the
manually saved session that
this menu gives you the option of using. I haven't run across a menu
entry to do that. That seems like it should be the real answer,
saving the currently running stuff, including the workspace # its
running on.
I can answer this bit at least. On the K menu (I suppose I should
call it the "T" menu :-)) there will be a "save session" entry, when
the "use manually saved session" option is chosen in Control Panel.
Nope, Nick, selection of the "use manually saved session", does not
generate a "save session" option to select. Thats why I asked where it
was in the first place. I have now checked that option and will note if
that choice is presented when I next logout.
Here, the session manager's help screen shows:
Jost Schenck
Revision 3.2 (2003-10-13)
Which sure seems to indicate a rather profound lack of interest in fixing
such "problems" if it hasn't been updated in 13 years... WTH? Does
that not predate the tde fork by a decade at least?
Somebody elses turn. :)
Thanks Nick.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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