It makes the TDE community look bad (and certainly not
inviting to growing
our ranks) when it is so popular to be hostile towards anything other than
TDE. You expect there to be a few jerks in any community, but when the
jerk percentage gets too high, you're keeping others away. The community
won't grow.
I'm not talking about being opinionated. Probably everyone here is pretty
opinionated about software freedom, & other unrelated things. I'm talking
about coming off as a jerk.
I realize, we'll probably just end up agreeing to disagree about all of
this, but this stuff seems pretty obvious to me.
+1. Please keep the KDE/Gnome/etc. flaming off this list.
Think of it this way: would you so loudly criticize another system such as
Mac OS X, or would you simply state that such a system was designed with a
different user in mind, not for you, limited, etc.? KDE and other desktop
offerings should be treated with at least some degree of respect--they are
not competitors, but rather have a different idea of how people should be
using their computers. An idea that seems to be rather popular at the
moment I might add, no matter how much I personally disagree with it. ;-)
Also, please remember that there is technology in KDE that might be useful
to us in the future; not everything in the KDE project is incompatible
with the TDE project's goals.