On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 03:45:59PM +0000, Janek Stolarek wrote:
> What is your opinion?
I think the amount of spam is negligible compared to
the amount of
off-topic emails sent by regular list participants.
It is very true that the overall amount of spam on this list is
minuscule, but its the fact that somebody went out of their way to
resend it (perhaps in case some of us missed out on the fun of being
annoyed by it the first time?) that boggles my brain :-)
As for off-topic emails, they don't bother me too greatly. (Maybe just a
teeny bit.) When a new thread starts up, it's almost always at least
peripherally related to TDE. Something to do with administrating a TDE
system at least. It's not as if people are starting new threads to
discuss what they ate for breakfast, or politics, or the latest finds
from the archaelogical digs in London's new rail line.
(Although I'd read posts on that last one.)
True, the threads do tend to rapidly diverge and become off-topic
discussions, but by that stage I have usually tuned out and I'm just
deleting the posts unread as they come in.
I think that if this was a brand new group, not just a migration from
one list to another, we could be a bit stricter about off-topic emails.
But it's a small community, with not many regular participants. There is
a lot of institutional knowledge held by the regulars and if the cost of
keeping them around is to put up with a bit of off-topic discussion and
their inability to trim pages and pages of quoted text onto the eighth
or tenth generation "> > > > > > > > > > blah blah
blah" then so be it.