I have installed Kubuntu 10.04 with trinity 3.5.11 (I think) on a X60
Thinkpad Laptop.
This morning the xerver freezed and I had to reboot,
I got a graphical login, could login, kde3 started, however the hard
disk was in read only mode. So I rebooted again, this time it took
almost 15 min to reboot, a sign that some hard disk problem occurred; (I
have the jfs file system.)
Anyhow finally the machine booted again successfully, I got a graphical
login but now I could *NOT* login, the password was accepted but instead
the graphical login screen reappeared.
I could login on a terminal though. So I thought maybe the xorg.conf file
was damaged. But this Kubuntu version does not have a xorg file anymore,
as google told me.
So what can I do?
(1) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org ???
(2) sudo X -configure?
(3) sudo dexconfiure -o xorg.con??
Any help is strongly appreciated, because the only other solution it to
try a _complete_ reinstall.
Uwe Brauer
- smime.p7s
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