Am Mittwoch, 19. November 2014 schrieb Lisi Reisz:
On Wednesday 19 November 2014 11:27:35 Dr. Nikolaus
Klepp wrote:
Yep. And the GR poll results in systemd. Well, my
migration to FreeBSD is
nearly done, it's a pitty thatTDE is not available there. On the other
hand, this gives me motivation to get TDE running on BSD :-)
Sorry to lose you - but I respect your choice. Given your views and the situation I fear
that you could make no other.
Power to your elbow in getting TDE running on BSD. :-) Which BSD, by the way??
Let's not lose you on the list!
Hi Lisi!
Looks like you won't loose me so soon - still have wheezy + TDE for office work, and
customers will take quite some time to get moving.
I have my development and servers on FreeBSD 10.1 now, which was not a bad move: I always
had problems with my wired network (had to unload/reload the kernel module to get dhcp
working) - these are simply gone. And there is a handbook - I love that detail :-)
Currently I'm working on the lazy way to get TDE running: use the Linux emulation
layer. Let's see how that turns out.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA.
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Einnehmerstraße 14
A-4810 Gmunden
Tel.: +43 650 82 11 724
email: office(a)