On 10/6/21 5:06 AM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
You are not cynical, that's exactly what it looks
like. The problem from the customer perspective: the mail provider lies and I cannot do
anything about it. This is no different than goverment censorship, as this practice is
covered by the goverment (at least here in Austria). The other problem is gmx silently
deleting mails - interesingly the very same mails that did not get delivered by Magenta.
Hi Nik,
The previous email I used for the TDE list is under a domain at GMX and
the IMAP/SMTP connections went over to Germany (from the U.S.), using
the same servers as for gmx dot com mail. The current email is a domain
under AOL/Yahoo in the U.S.
I never had any type of spam issue with GMX, nor have I had any emails
mysteriously deleted. Any spams that were received there, were correctly
detected and placed in the Spam folder.
More recently though, their U.S.-based sister (mail dot com)
automatically deleted a few spam e-mails sent to me, that actually
contained a virus and their server sends an e-mail to the recipient when
this occurs. The e-mail sent, referencing the deletion due to virus,
included the senders e-mail and subject and mentioned that if the sender
was known to me (they all weren't), to contact the sender(s) to let them
know what was occurring.
I'm wondering if what you're experiencing with GMX might possibly be a
temporary issue?
I did a quick search and found
Perhaps it has some helpful info.
TDE: 14.0.11pre
Debian: 11 (bullseye, and64)
Linux. A Continual Learning Experience.