Am Mittwoch, 19. November 2014 schrieb Lisi Reisz:
On Wednesday 19 November 2014 11:27:35 Dr.
Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Yep. And the GR poll results in systemd. Well, my
migration to FreeBSD
nearly done, it's a pitty thatTDE is not
available there. On the other
hand, this gives me motivation to get TDE running on BSD :-)
Sorry to lose you - but I respect your choice. Given your views and the
situation I fear that you could make no other.
Power to your elbow in getting TDE running on BSD. :-) Which BSD, by
the way??
Let's not lose you on the list!
Hi Lisi!
Looks like you won't loose me so soon - still have wheezy + TDE for office
work, and customers will take quite some time to get moving.
I have my development and servers on FreeBSD 10.1 now, which was not a bad
move: I always had problems with my wired network (had to unload/reload
the kernel module to get dhcp working) - these are simply gone. And there
is a handbook - I love that detail :-)
Currently I'm working on the lazy way to get TDE running: use the Linux
emulation layer. Let's see how that turns out.
If there's anything we can do to help you get TDE running on FreeBSD
please just let us know. I know OpenBSD received quite a bit of work not
too long ago so perhaps TDE running natively on FreeBSD is within reach?
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